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Where to spend the day snowboarding World

Where to spend the day snowboarding World

December 23 all the fans mind-blowing tricks and slalom celebrate young holiday - Day of snowboarding. Once in the early 21 th century snowboard rapidly burst into life of today's youth, it became clear that the sport needs a personal day in the calendar.

So, in 2006, Europe Day was celebrated for the first time snowboarding. Since then, the festival has taken root and is considered an important event in a hurry to get on that and professional riders and beginners. In addition, the Day of snowboarding is the official start of the winter season. The holiday itself for several years held by the European Association of Manufacturers of equipment for dosochnyh sports and the World Federation of the snowboard. A celebration to the delight of partners snowboarders provide a range of free services.

Skiing snow board is significantly different from the ski. Therefore, the slopes for snowboarders make the individual - with jumps, pipes, and some other figures to perform tricks.

European Centre snowboarding considered resort of Les Arcs (Les Arcs), Province of Savoie, France. There are over hundreds of trails for beginners and children riders, sixty for athletes and advanced snowboarders. Best schools, exemplary parks for snowboarding, as well as nightclubs, bars and restaurants. In addition, the resort offers adventurers endless possibilities in conquering new heights and laying new tracks. Maximum height - three thousand three hundred meters.

In Austria, one of the best resorts for snowboarding became Mayrhofen (Mayrhofen), located in the beautiful Ziller Valley. His Snowboard Park Burton Park Mayrhofen equipped in accordance with international standards: jumps, rails, halfpipe. On loose snow-capped peaks have excellent opportunities for fristaylinga. European youth loves resort for its availability and low cost, as well as a fun nightlife. The valley is easy to find a decent pension with budget accommodation option. And if you buy a single ticket Zilleertaler Super, then you can safely go to the conquest of several neighboring resorts: Hintertux, Lanersbach and Gerlos.

However, not only the Alps are ideal for outdoor activities with a snow board. On other continents also have first-class winter resorts. For example, in the U.S. it is Mammoth Mountain (Mammoth Mountain), California. Despite its location, the mountain is suitable for skiing from October to June. Incredibly long season gives you the opportunity to visit the mountain, when you wish, and do not necessarily choose for this "hot" time holidays. Among other Mammoth resort is distinguished by its extreme slopes, steep slopes and sharp differences kilometer. It is equipped with 63 trails for advanced riders and professionals. At the foot of unpretentious laid tracks for beginners and children. Pleasantly surprise tourists and prices for rental of ski equipment, they are significantly lower than in the alpine resorts.

In Canada, the resort occupies a leading position in Whistler Blackcomb Resort and Lake Lodge. However, they are much more expensive, but the conditions for tourists and provide a more comfortable: luxury hotels, located in the most picturesque corners of the best restaurants with stunningly delicious.

Until the Day of snowboarding there is still time, so order tickets, book hotels, and go to the nearest resort for new experiences and a surge of adrenaline. 

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