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Australia’s wild life extreme

Australia’s wild life extreme

Canning Stock Route is the longest, one of the most severe and dangerous tourist paths in the world. The path of 1800 kilometres long goes along very sparsely populated part of Australia, throughout the desert of red sand. This is an adventure tour for those, who are not scared of challenges and difficulties.

Your trip should be thoroughly prepared. It will last for nearly 2 or 3 weeks. The best season is from May till September. The temperature is very moderate during this period, unlike extreme heat common for other seasons. However, due to quite low temperature in the evening, warm clothing should be still taken. Typically, four-wheel drive vehicle is utilised. You should take care about necessary spare parts, fuel and water reserves. It's better to have navigation and driving skills for the desert area. The reserves of food and water are obligate. There is no water in often met wells along the road. Water, fuel and other essential things can be bought in local aboriginal communities. There are also campings where you can stay for rest and sleep.

Special permit should be obtained to do this trip. Sometimes, the road goes through the private property of locals. You should pay a fee in order to use wells and water reservoirs of aborigines. However, particular territories are forbidden for entering at all. You can be followed by an experienced trainer. All detailed information about where to get a vehicle, necessary equipment, wells and other accompanying services can be found in Canning Stock Route Information Pack issued with your permit.

Money earned as a fee for permissions are used for environment protection and aboriginal’s cultural heritage preserve. Exhibition of aboriginal art held in Canberra at the National Museum of Australia a few years ago had a great success. Books, photos, videos were exhibited there and guides told about collection of oral stories and cultural programs.

The road was built in 1910. It was named in honour of its surveyor Alfred Canning. Originally, it was used for driving of cattle for gold diggers who consumed meat. Today, this is just a full adventure tourist route which becomes more and more popular. A number of wild nature travellers grows all the time. Hand to hand with desert, overcoming obstacles, discovering Australia with its lifestyle and aborigines is a dream of many travellers.

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