The flower kingdom of the Netherlands
At least here comes so awaited season when every sun ray brings warmth and happiness! It's hard to explain, but exactly in spring new experiences, bright colours, emotions and feelings are so desired. That is why we wish our spring holidays to be so special, alone with nature enjoying scenic landscapes and scent of flowers.
No doubts, it's better to meet spring in the country famous for its uncommon tulips, hyacinths, narcissus, violets, poppies, begonias. The Netherlands are considered the most blossom country in Europe and their traditional annual bulbflower parade Bloemencorso is the grandest, most colourful, extensive and fairy show. Thousands of tourists and locals desire to visit this event.
This year, Bloemencorso will be held under the theme “Energy”. It begins on the third of May. The preparation will be started April 30 in the Tennishal De Klinkenberg centre in the small town of Sassenheim. Those who are interested in the preparation process can attend the centre at the especially devoted time. Admission will be around 2–5 EUR. Different stories about flowers will be told to you and you will be able to discover the process of flower masterpieces’ creation. First of all designers construct metal backbone and then decorate it with flowers. The best Dutch florists supported by volunteers create compositions absolutely unbelievable by their scale and idea. You'll see fairy characters, motion picture heroes and even whole stories mirrored in flowers. A craftsman has only 2 or 3 days to create his masterpiece, that's why each team welcomes any help from volunteers with a great appreciation.
All flower platforms will be placed at the square in Noordwijkerhout a night before the parade. The next day, at 9:30am coloured parade will start moving from Noordwijk to Haarlem. The distance between cities is nearly 40 kilometres. Flower platforms are very fragile, so they move with walking speed. This distance will be done in 10–12 hours. Moving compositions will be accompanied by orchestra and nearly 30 cars beatified with bouquets and festoons of flowers. Viewers usually follow them riding bicycle.
Around midday, the loud Bloemencorso will pass Keukenhof. Most visitors desire to see it exactly here. A special deal is set in the park for this day. Visitors can attend show and then proceed back to the garden for no additional fee.
Those who don’t like to push through people can meet the parade in Haarlem, the last stop of the route. Festival cortege will arrive here at nearly 9pm sparkling and shining bright with millions of lights. Flower train is met in the city with ovations, cheering and fireworks. Festivities around the platforms last all night long. All flower creations will be left for observation till 5pm the next day.