Diving in Mauritius

Warm sand, palm trees, amazingly clear water, colorful coral reefs, wrecks, exotic fish - that's only a small part of what will give you diving off the coast of Mauritius.
Mauritius - a small island nation in the eastern part of Africa. The island is very popular with European tourists, attracted by the exotic here. And here it's true of the vast sugar cane thickets, evergreen rainforest, hot African rhythms and passionate Creole dances. Mauritius - one of the most expensive and beautiful resorts in the world, along with the Seychelles and the Maldives.
Nature of Mauritius is beautiful at any time of year. However, to better organize the trip in the fall, when the island is kept cool weather, and before the monsoon season is still far. In September and October here in the afternoon +25 ° C, the water temperature is +26 ° C, and maximum visibility under water.
Of course, dayvtur best to plan ahead, and after reviewing all proposals carefully calculating your budget. Information about dayvkluby and Services can be easily found on the Internet. Global network replete with various proposals, designed for the most sophisticated traveler. You can choose the dive center and on arrival at Mauritius, here there are about 50. And they all provide equipment for tourists, a guide who knows the underwater world of the coast, as well as boat to comfortably reach the dive site. Combining multiple forms of recreation, such as trips to diving excursions with a great opportunity to see the sights and the most picturesque corners of the country.
An introduction to the underwater world of Mauritius enough plunge to a depth of 16-18 meters. Southern part of the island is rich in coral reefs, which have long become an ideal place of refuge for fish. So fans of underwater filming can take safely with a technique to enjoy every moment. Here is all the diversity of the fauna of the Indian Ocean. Electric rays, moray eels, lionfish, nudibranchs, butterfly fish, and many other exotic inhabitants of the ocean. Shoals of fish here are so used to people that allowed near divers to a fairly close, although in hand, of course, are not given. And if you take with a little plankton, the bevy of fish surround you in an instant. Caught in the maelstrom of this strange, you will experience a truly magical and incredible feeling.
There at the bottom of the Mauritian coast and wrecks. Available for inspection about a dozen such facilities and they are all within reach - at a depth of 8 to 30 meters. However, we will dive to a depth of 25 meters, to the sunken ship "Water Lily". This is a common barge that sank specifically on the sandy bottom of the blue. In such places is always a lot of marine life that are happy to pose for the cameras. The local inhabitants are not dangerous, although it is worth remembering that moray eels and sea worms is not harmless, it is better not to take over. This place is so interesting is that time flies here unnoticed. Most importantly, zasmotrevshis on underwater beauty, not to miss a backup air supply. A risk without good reasons not worth diving.
One of the most enjoyable moments in diving - ascent to the surface when the memory is still fresh in the memories, impressions rage, and in front is seen aboard the boat.